About HighFive

HighFive is a daily word puzzle game. You have to find as many words as you can that fit a pattern, and beat the clock.

There will be a new set of letters every day, and you can also play all the games from the archive too.

Who built this? My name is Rob Ousbey, and I love a daily puzzle game.

The Rules

The goal of HighFive is to find as many words as you can, before the time runs out.

Your words must fit the pattern shown on the screen. For example, if you see "P_ANK" then you could make the words 'prank' or 'plank'.

As the game continues, letters will disappear from the word. If you now see "P_AN_", then you could make the words 'plane' or 'piano'

Enter the missing letters, using your keyboard, or the one on-screen. Press or click ENTER to submit your word.

The rounds of the game are as follows:

  • Round 1: 10 seconds; 1 missing letter, 4 points per word
  • Round 2: 20 seconds; 2 missing letters, 3 points per word
  • Round 3: 30 seconds; 3 missing letters, 2 points per word
  • Round 4: 40 seconds; 4 missing letters, 1 point per word

When the time runs out, you'll see a list of all the words you found, and how many points you scored.

Come back the following day, to see a list of all the words you could have found, and keep your streak going!

More Games

Looking for other games? I also built these!

Cloudle A daily puzzle game where you have to guess the weather in a given city

Cogit A daily math puzzle

Typeface or Trotters? A quiz that tests your knowledge of pigs... and fonts.

Other Projects

You might enjoy some of my other projects:

Is Mt Rainier Out? An interactive timelapse that answers Seattle's most pressing question. You can also follow along on Twitter @IsMtRainierOut.

@USVaccineCount A Twitter feed tracking the number of vaccinated & boosted people in the US.


If you need to get in touch, email me at rob@ousbey.com, or reach out to me on Twitter, @RobOusbey.

HighFive is a spin-off from Cogit. Full T&Cs are available at cogit.fun/legal

Iconography used on the site is CC-BY-4.0 licenced from FontAwesome.